Rabu, 18 Juli 2012

Happy Birthday Lee Taemin 120718 :*

dan berbagai macam hashtag lainnya semalem pasti penuh di TL twitter kalian :D
Our maknae bitrhday !!!!

Dear Taemin,

taeminie, it seems only yesterday I saw you on stage the song noona neomu yeoppeo..
taeminie, it seems only yesterday I saw a naive and innocent Taemin..
it seems time passes so fast, right? :"
now you're growing up ..
at your age 20th, you've become an adult..
is it true you're going to grow up? kkkkk ~
funny face remains the same until now :)
you .... should live happily!!! ..
It is the hope of all shawol in this world

you said "keep smiling although hurt" I want to be like you ..
no matter how hurt people, but still can show you the best smile in front of them :)
I really want to be like you..
taeminie, although the air we breathe differently, despite the different places we are standing, though the sky that we look different ..
I believe, you actually really want to see us :)

taeminie, keep drinking banana milk huh? hahaha
you'd better keep drinking banana milk, rather than alcohol :(
taeminie, we love you so much
I hope to still see you today, tomorrow, and so on..
saw you dancing and singing along with SHINee is happiness for us :)
shinee dance machine remains healthy!
Taemin Hwaiting! ^ ^

dan kemarin sore iseng-iseng bikin gambar taemin, sebenernya ga punya bakat ngegambar kkk~
tapi karna pengalaman SMP si ekskul melukis jadi ya modal percaya diri aja hahahaha -_______-"

gua tau, gambar ini jauh dari kata bagus, bahkan sama sekali ga mirip taemin? tapi gua bikin ini dengan sepenuh hati :)

Dan gua juga bikin video
This first video that I made, actually I do not know how to make a video hahah but again with a capital of confidence I'll make a video. and be like this
because I do not know how to cut the video so that should only be 3 minutes instead 26menit-___- lol

gimanapun hasilnya gua bener-bener bikin gambar dan video ini sepenuh hati
entah kenapa di ulangtahun taemin yang ke-20 ini bawaannya kok sedih ya?
apa karna dia udah tumbuh dewasa? :')


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